
lynching isn’t already a federal hate crime? black senators introduced a bill seeking to make it one

July 5, 2018
1.2K Picks
Flanked by Senators Corey Booker and Tim Scott, Senator Kamala Harris introduced a new bill that will effectively make lynching a federal hate crime. What’s that? Oh, yeah, apparently lynching, the disturbing crime used by white supremacists, slave owners, and white law enforcers alike for the past 150+ years against black people is not already recognized as a hate crime on the federal level. Better late than never, I guess?
The joint move comes two weeks after a similar bill was introduced in the House of Representatives. Nearly 200 anti-lynching bills between 1882 and 1986 have been introduced and none have been approved. This new bill would make lynching punishable by up to a life sentence in prison.
