
black fashion by javii gallery: 21 clothing items endorsing barack obama

November 6, 2012

So today is Election day which means people of all shapes and sizes are excited to go out and vote, greet other voters, or my favorite: shop 20% off election day sales. Typically we show support of our candidates with bumper stickers, t-shirts, and hats but the 2012 Obama supporters aren’t your typical supporters. Everything from socks, earrings and underwear does the trick.
I’m being a little presumptuous here, but if you’re going shopping today or even this weekend for Obama merchandise, why not try out some of these. From cool nail polishes, to awesome iphone cases, Obama rocks the vote, we rock Obama care gear. Here’s our Gallery: 21 Clothing Items Endorsing Barack Obama.
Altru Obama Podium Tee & FUN Artists Obama Pop Art Tee

Be The Change You Want to See designed by Marcus Wainwright & David Neville of Rag & Bone.
Barack Obama Black Cool purse

iphone cases via

Earrings via

Beyonce wearing Puerto Rican designer Erika Pena’Obama’ earrings.

Emo for Obama via emo_for_obama_shirt

Women For Obama Women’s Boy Brief
I am the 47% boxer brief
yes we can again boxer shorts

Michelle 2012 Pin via michelle obama pin

Now is the right time.
Obama Socks via
Barack Obama watch via

Designers Nannette Lapore & Yigal Azrouƫl for runway to win via

Nail polish designed by Richard Blanch for runway to win via

Victory Kneel Obama Tee & Run Tings Obama Tee

What’s love without hate? via Urban Outfitters

Last but certainly not least Punk Rock Obama via the_obama_team_2012
