
‘black pulp’ exhibit aims to explore the rich history of resistance and counter-culture through black print design

December 6, 2016

Images rule the information world, with more visual information being processed than ever before in the information age. With representations of Black folks under the microscope for their racist and classist undertones, it’s no wonder that this area of popular culture is being explored so heavily. NYTimes notes that, “Corrosive racial stereotypes have always been rife in American culture, but a counterculture of corrective images has existed too,” and those corrective images were put on display at International Print Center in Chelsea. What started as an exhibition at Yale School of Art exploring the creative use of printed media and artwork to challenge racist narratives and change limited notions of black experience in America, extended to a proper exhibit in this NY gallery. The artwork below was included in the exhibition. To see more, visit YaleNews.

By T. McLendon, AFROPUNK Contributor
