
feature: collective negr.a shows the creative power of black women in brazil

March 15, 2016

Brazilian collective NEGR.A (Coletivo de Negras Autoras), composed of five black women – Elisa de Sena, Eneida Barauna, Júlia Dias, Manu Ranilla and Nath Rodrigues – present an awesome musical scenic spectacle with a powerful mix of music, dance and poetry based on their own experiences as young black women in search of their afro-brazilian identity and ancestry, and aims to represent a different picture of the black woman: as someone not passive, but active in society.

“We want to give ourselves more voice, to show our work, our artistic trajectory. We have a lot of good references and we bring our ancestry on what we do. We sing, we dance, we interpret and the compositions are ours. In NEGR.A collective we try to give more representativity to black women.”, they say in one of their videos.

By Robin Batista*, AFROPUNK contributor

Above photos: Jotagra Phia

Above photo: Paulo Abreu

*Robin Batista is a Brazilian designer, student in Afro-diasporic Visual Arts and AFROPUNK contributor.
