
feature: photographer bruno gomes captures the beautiful diversity of afro-brazilian women in ‘afronte’

April 4, 2016

Bruno Gomes is Brazilian photographer you may recognize, who frequently shoots editorials featuring local Afro-Brazilian women. In this his most recent series, ‘AFROnte’ Gomes captures an even wider range of skin tones and hair textures, while showing off his model’s personal styles and show-stopping beauty. Check ‘em out!

By Erin White*, AFROPUNK contributor

Adriana Mayra
Liliane Candido
Lavi Reis
Marcelly Alexandre
Raianne Alice
Rayane Campos
Ranyele Garcia
Suzane Nicolau

*Erin White is an Atlanta-based writer and AFROPUNK’s editorial and social media assistant. You can follow her on Tumblr or friend her on Facebook. Have a pitch or an inquiry? Shoot her an email at
