
south african visual artist breathes life into forgotten heritage in his paintings

January 18, 2017

The African continent is not a monolith and neither are its artists. South Africa in particular has been a creative hotbed for quite some time, both in visual and audio art, but it seems that as of late, an even bigger crop of artists are spreading their wings. Qhama Maswana is a South African visual thinker, breaking down barriers and creating unique pieces of art with paint. When reflecting on his work, he said, “As an artist, I work hard to develop paintings that speak both to me and to others about the beauty and challenges that exists in the continent of Africa. I try with every finished work to breathe life into a long forgotten heritage, Africa inspires most of my art, the beautiful people, their full lip and thick hair, their amazing skin tone. I am inspired by the strength of the people and I see royalty in all of them, my artwork speaks, not only for me but for people who were long silenced.” Celebrating where you come from is one of the highest callings one can fulfill with their work, so witness these breathtaking pieces and support Qhama via Facebook and Instagram.

By T. McLendon, AFROPUNK Contributor
