
tattoo of the week: fuck yea, black chicks with tattoos favs

October 3, 2010

I'm so tired of you cute shy fuckers. We know you have tattoos. We see them on your profile pictures, we talk about how awesome they are on our off time. Yet, we ask you guys to submit pictures of your tattoos to be featured on and they come in so infrequently that we're forced to harass people we see in the street to send us in their work. So, we'll keep asking each week for you guys to submit pictures of your tattoos to, so maybe, just maybe, we can continue to showcase the beauty that is ink on black skin. Until then, damn you all for hiding your beauty from the internet world. This week we gathered up some, in our opinion, just amazing images from this website we found that is rather appropriately called, fuck yea black chicks with tattoos. It's pretty much the most extensive D.I.Y. site for images of beautiful brown women with tattoos and all around dopeness, however, they don't get down to the nitty gritty as to why these women got their tattoos, which is what we do on Here are some of our fav pulls. And please, send us your images to

Tattoo of the Week: Fuck yea, black chicks with tattoos favs

I sometimes wonder if it physically hurts being this beautiful. The half sleeve with humming birds and shadowing is great. It seems like there is a sun behind the birds heads. Very nice.

Days like these make us so pissed that it’s already October and we won’t get funky smoked out fun in the park with our friends until next summer. We’re not sure if the tattoo on the chick on the floor is a lion face or a heart, or both, but she looks like she’s having so much fun, who really cares.

Is that mace? REally? For the sake of the camera person, let’s hope she was attempting to be edgy for this picture. Mace in the eyes suck assssss. The thick bracelet on her right arm kind of kills her tatt work, but maybe she’s covering it for a reason.

First of all, this is dope as shit. Whoever did this work knew what they were doing as the shading of Malcolm’s eyes are damn near perfect. A+ for the details and depth of this piece.

Can I please be one of those flowers? Please? The one’s on her left leg slightly resemble pot leaves, which, could be a rather interesting story.

By the look on this chick’s face, she looks like she’s having a questionable good time. The lighter between the boobs plus the Colt 45 40 ounce screams I’m having a good time no matter what is going on in the world.

Aside from the referenced tattoo, does her t-shirt say she likes her bitches brainless? Ummm….

This chick looks California faded. I would really like to know what her arm says.

When I see this, the loser in me immediately thinks, I wonder what her parents would say if they knew this was their daughter. Better yet, her grandmother. Once again, would love to know what this says, looks like it is really intense…maybe a bible verse?

Love her look and her chest tatt. It kind of looks like a chain link to protect her heart. Maybe some flower vines?

What do you think of these tatts? Notice anything we didn’t. Comment below and don’t forget to send your images to
