
toure on why malcolm x should have his own day

February 21, 2013

Today marks the 48th anniversary of Malcolm X’s assassination. While many Americans may remember Malcolm as a radical live-wire with a racist agenda, we believe that his message was the total opposite. Especially after Malcolm X’s return from Mecca and became Malik Shabazz, a proponent of peace, tolerance and equality. What’s not to love about that? Author Toure gives his piece to TIME magazine about why he thinks it’s time we have a Malcolm X day.

What are your thoughts on Malcolm X and his radical shift in ideals? Read the full TIME article HERE and hit us in the comments and on twitter @afropunk

Listen to Malcolm’s last speech in 1965. RIP

“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it’s for or against” -Malcolm X

