
‘los punks: we are all we have’ – trailer

May 19, 2016

VIDEO: ‘LOS PUNKS’ documentary chronicles South Central and East Los Angeles’ backyard latinx punk scene.

Los Punks: We Are All We Have. Punk rock is thriving in the backyards of South Central and East Los Angeles. A cobbled-together family of Hispanic teens and young adults comprise the scene: bands, fans, production, marketing, and security interwoven into a sub-culture of thrash and noise and pits.

The sense of belonging is palpable; emotional bonds fostered among good families and those broken, poverty and wealth, adolescence and maturity, with the music emanating a magnetic chorus for all to sing together. ‘Los Punks: We Are All We Have” is a documentary feature film honestly and sincerely portraying this vibrant ‘DIY’ community.
